

    The Island of My Dreams

    Confession: I am a trip hog. I try to play it cool, but I LOVE trips. I love vacation. I love travel. And I love […]

    Trip Friends in Aspen + a Giveaway

    For The Giveaway, Scroll To The End Of The Post. This whole thing actually started a long time ago. With a Chevy Trailblazer and a […]

    One Thousand Miles of Alaska

    Literally. Actually, 1,015 miles, to be exact. That’s how much Alaskan ground we covered in our short 5-day jaunt through the great state of Alaska.

    Austin Vibes

    “Surprise!” he said. “We’re going to Austin!” And go to Austin we did. It was beautiful and refreshing. We ate tacos, ducked into bizarre-o gift shops, drank […]

    101 Pictures of Our Trip to Europe. Literally.

    We knew the inappropriately long picture overload had to come at some point, right? The fact that I packed (literally) 101 pictures into this one […]

    Girls’ Trip to La Jolla … and thoughts on the election between friends

    “To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly.” Brené Brown The […]

    Being Fully Alive in the Summer

    The sun right now – ugh, the morning summer sun. ♡ PLEASE NEVER LEAVE. It’s streaming through the pines outside the windows and making the quiet […]

    Girls’ Weekend Getaway: Scottsdale, Arizona

    Hey girls, remember that one time when we went to Scottsdale? Warming sun? Sip-tastic drinks? OMG food? Otherworldly spa experiences? Good conversations 24/7? Yeah, THAT time. Since […]

    Sage in October

    Okay, I really do have recipes going on in my life. And they will make it to the blog, super soonish. Pinky promise. But if we […]

    Up North: Ten Days at the Cabin

    One picture of food. Just one. That’s all! WHAT IS HAPPENING. Last week Bjork and I returned from a ten-day family vacation UP NORTH (where […]