

    Butternut Squash Black Bean Wrap

    Last night, I had a life-changing experience. I saw the Justin Bieber movie. In 3D. After laughing, crying (what?), and reaching out to touch Justin’s […]

    Shrimp and Quinoa Salad

    I have a problem with salads. Mainly, I don’t want to make them. And mainly, that’s because I don’t want to eat them. When I […]

    Creamy Tomato-Balsamic Soup

    Never underestimate the power of warm creamy tomato-balsamic soup, soft bread, and melted cheese. Specifically the bread and cheese part. But as much as I […]

    Thai Chicken Salad

    It actually all started with a pizza. A delicious Thai Chicken Pizza. And in an effort to save my appetite for Christmas Eve dinner, the […]

    Pomegranate Orange Muffins

    I find that the best thing for me to do during a blizzard is bake. Shovel? Rescue my car? Nah. Bake tasty muffins? Wrap presents? […]

    Cheesy Black Bean Risotto

    Black bean risotto is the food of choice this week. Yes, I said week. It’s a little random, I know, but the inspiration for “Risotto […]

    Edamame Hummus Wrap

    It’s the day after Thanksgiving. I woke up hungry (somehow that doesn’t seem right, considering all that I ate yesterday) and after exhausting all my […]

    Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto with Sugared Walnuts

    Sugared Walnuts. I love Sugared Walnuts. Read: I love butter and brown sugar. Interestingly enough, it wasn’t until writing this post that I realized, whoops, […]

    Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake Parfaits

    Pumpkin Pecan Cheesecake Parfaits! The bad news is that it’s not exactly health food. The good news is that it’s tasty. Like, go ahead and […]

    Tomato Ricotta Pasta with Broccoli

    Ricotta cheese is my new best friend. I have always made this combination of whole wheat pasta, tomato sauce, and broccoli as a fast and […]