

    Caramelized Salmon

    Caramelized salmon. Do I need to go on? Because the word caramelized pretty much speaks itself straight into my soul. There’s just something about food […]

    Coconut Lime Chicken

    Will you think weird things about me if I spend most of the next 3 paragraphs writing about chicken skin? It’s a love-hate, although right […]

    15 Minute Shrimp Scampi

    Idea #54 for using up the leftover blender lemonade pieces: adding a bright lemon kick to this buttery-garlic Shrimp Scampi! I really meant it when […]

    Baked Mozzarella Chicken Rolls

    Baked Mozzarella Chicken Rolls: easy, delicious, and beautiful with fresh basil and a delicious tomato sauce. This meal has summer dinner written all over it. So, my […]

    Chicken and Nectarine Poppy Seed Salad

    I’m going salad crazy. Oh, wait, I said that already yesterday. A chicken and nectarine poppy seed salad is basically this: sweet juicy nectarines, bursts […]

    Crockpot Red Curry Lentils

    Ohhh my lentils. I just love me somma them beans. Especially when they’re in a big crockpot full of red curry lentils. This week I […]

    Parmesan Chicken Fingers with Garlic Cheese Sauce

    This is the story of buying a helmet in the Philippines. Me + helmet –> riding the moped, so off to the mall we went […]