

    Golden Soup

    Golden Soup is hee-yahhh. What exactly is golden soup, you ask? Friends, it’s a lifestyle. It’s a like-to-eat-healthy-food, but-like-to-eat-cozy-food-more, and-have-eaten-out-a-lot-lately-so-need-intervention-quickly kind of lifestyle. You know the […]

    Chili Garlic Instant Pot Noodles

    Are noodles the best or are noodles the best? They are the actual best. You can build almost any type of meal around almost any […]

    Instant Pot Pumpkin Walnut Chili

    Hellooo friends! Soup season is in full swing here at our house, and the studio, and in my food heart. Here it is – the […]

    Instant Pot Minestrone Soup

    This recipe is sponsored by DeLallo I don’t mean to sound so happy about this, but how about this chilling-down-of-the-weather situation? Haaappy dance! It’s time […]

    Favorite Pumpkin Granola

    Okay, okay, okay. Hold on for a hot second. Pumpkin Granola is in the house today and it is smelling reeeeeal nice up in here. […]

    The Best Vegan Broccoli Cheese Soup

    This recipe is sponsored by Almond Breeze. Truly though, it is the best. Creamy, cheesy-like without cheese, velvety and rich, and just all-around delicious. Kind […]

    Cheater’s Power Salad

    And then comes the part where I post a salad recipe using a bagged salad mix. Modern times have given us modern salad mixes, and […]

    Unbelievably Good Cashew Coffee

    Two words: CASHEW COFFEE. Oh my word, you guys. This could be – has been – is currently – a game changer in our collective […]

    Back Pocket Stir Fry with Noodles

    Oh, nothing to see here, just a basic, non-fancy, back-pocket noodle stir fry that will make your Monday (Tuesday Wednesday Thursday) night dinners a little […]

    Autumn Glow Milkshake

    This recipe is sponsored by Almond Breeze. I know it’s technically not autumn yet, but my breakfast game has been in a rut lately and I […]