

    Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Healthy Cookie Dough

    Today I found out that Johnnie from AT&T is my iPhone guardian angel. The discovery all started with my annual swimsuit purchase from Marshall’s. I […]

    {Lazy} Chocolate Cherry Fudge Cake

    A chocolate cherry fudge cake bombed my house today. That’s why I’m covered in the world’s most luscious chocolate frosting. I swear it’s not because I […]

    Milk Chocolate Dulce de Leche Bars

    Awwhhh snap. These are gooooood. Like, chocolate-on-caramel, ate-5-before-dinner, don’t-need-no-Valentine sort of good. Not like I’m thinking about Valentine’s Day or anything. My mind is continuously replaying […]

    Malted Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

    So, you know, I’m working on this little book. And I need things to photograph. So I stuffed a vanilla malt into a chocolate chip […]

    Triple Chocolate Party Balls

    Once upon a time, I ate a million Triple Chocolate Party Balls. And Bjork got me an iPhone for Christmas. I downloaded my first app: Instagram. […]

    Hot Fudge Cake with Peanut Butter Sauce

    Hot fudge sauce on my couch, my sweatpants, and my camera. And Bjork just informed me that I have a little leftover on my face.  […]

    Peanut Butter Cheesecake Brownies

    Friday.  Chocolate.  Choc.o.late. With sweet ribbons of peanut butter cheesecake brownies. Baked to ooey gooey perfection and eaten by the row.

    Fudgy Oreo Brownies

    Oiy. There goes that new pencil skirt potential first day of school outfit. And here come the sweatpants. Except, um, it’s 90 degrees in my […]

    Chocolate Scotcheroos

    I’ve been hot on the Nutella trail for a while now. Like, since high school. Like, since Bjork (my highschoolboyfriendnowhusband) casually mentioned this super good chocolate […]

    Peanut Butter Pretzel Cookies

    It rained, and I got desperate. So desperate that I’ll have you know I drove to the gas station across the street for some last-minute […]