

    Glazed Orange Muffins

    Remember orange rolls? I’m talking about the ones you can unroll from a tube and bake in 3 minutes. Buttery soft dough and an orange […]

    Fluffy Sugar Cookies & Vanilla Frosting

    Dear Santa, I’ve been very good this year.

    Butternut Squash Pecan Pancakes

    There’s definitely batter on the walls and my white sweatshirt is not white anymore. And my camera. My poor camera. I don’t know how these […]

    Brown Sugar Cookies

    I just applied for my Masters program. Then I ate five brown sugar cookies to dull the pain. But the pain is still there.   Ouchie. […]

    Vanilla Glazed Apple Cinnamon Muffins

    Oh my December. This calls for a muffin or three! Muffins are so lovable that if I make them on Saturday, which I obviously do, always, […]

    Hot Fudge Cake with Peanut Butter Sauce

    Hot fudge sauce on my couch, my sweatpants, and my camera. And Bjork just informed me that I have a little leftover on my face.  […]

    Peanut Butter Cheesecake Brownies

    Friday.  Chocolate.  Choc.o.late. With sweet ribbons of peanut butter cheesecake brownies. Baked to ooey gooey perfection and eaten by the row.

    Baked Gingerbread Mini Donuts

    Hellooo gingerbread mini donuts. Hellooo gingerbread scents. Hellooo Justin Beiber Christmas album.  What?

    Baked Apple Pancake with Apple Cider Syrup

    This.Is.Awesome.  And I can’t wait to tell you about the cinnamon sugary apple goodness wrapped in a nice, crepe-like pancake texture and drizzled with the best […]

    Maple Banana Bread

    This weekend, I made burned bread pudding, soupy chocolate pie, and a bowl of cereal instead of a real dinner. That’s one major recipe fail. […]