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    Roasted Corn and Basil Stuffed Tomatoes

    I love tomatoes. Stuffed tomatoes with roasted corn, basil, and cheese?  I ate all 6 of them. So I was really sad to find out […]

    Baked Caprese Rigatoni

    Cheese. Basil. Tomato. In that order. It’s summer and one of my favorite things about summer is basil. My other favorite thing is the farmer’s […]

    Mango Snack Cake

    I.AM.IN.LOVE. With a mango snack cake and its crunchy, sugary, brulee-like topping and its melted butter on top. And then suddenly 18 pieces were gone. […]

    Skinny Garlic Fried Rice

    Remember when I never posted Seoul pictures? We had a great time on our three-day-pre-Philippines-mini-vacation and absolutely loved experiencing Seoul. But then I left my DSLR […]

    Peanut Butter & Honey Muffins

    Temperature Controlled Apartment vs. Freshly Baked Muffins? No contest. And I’m happy to report that fluffy, nutty, honey muffins just came out of my oven. […]

    Fresh Mango Lassi

    I’m hunnnngry. All.the.time. I thought I was hungry in Minnesota, but dang. This new life in the Philippines has me eating at least 18 times […]

    Mango Chicken Salad Sandwich

    Sweet juicy mango sitting on my kitchen counter, I love you. Sadly, so do the neighborhood ants. But that won’t stop me from buying, bleaching […]

    Baked Croissant Cinnamon French Toast

    I want to tell you that I’m a domestic queen and I made this for breakfast in our new Filipino apartment kitchen, but let me […]

    Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Bars

    BRING>IT>ON. This week’s stress relief of choice comes to you in the form of melty, messy chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches.  Oh, sweet glory. […]

    Grilled Chicken Sausage, Spinach, and Mozzarella Pizza

    This weekend I learned a lot about myself. I’m horrible at packing. For both personal safety and general efficiency, I cannot be trusted with a […]