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    Living Abroad

    Kitchen Nightmares

    That right there? That was supposed to be a cake. I ate the hot gooey batter out of the pan with a spoon and really […]

    Small Victories

    The sound of our toilet flushing is sweet music to my ears! There are few occasions in a person’s life that warrant a photo of […]

    Home for the Year

    This is the view that I’m looking at right now. I have a fan two inches from my face. I just ate a mango and […]

    Scenes from Seoul

    Here I am in Incheon International Airport waiting to board our flight to Cebu and sipping on a Caribou Coffee Iced Mocha. (CARIBOU in Seoul!?!? […]

    Adventures in Seoul

    If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last 5 days of travel, it’s that I’m completely addicted to my iPhone. This becomes a major […]

    Letting Go

    Letting go of refrigerated milk. Letting go of my car. Letting go of my job.

    Young and Wild and Free

    Yes, I’ve been baking peanut butter pies, yes, I’ve been going to bed early, and yes, I’ve been loving it. But there’s actually a good […]