    HomeLiving Abroad

    Living Abroad

    Chicken Bacon Wild Rice Soup

    This morning I got out of bed around 5am. Less because I was up ambitiously early and more because I never really fell asleep. I […]

    Back To It

    Well, I am alive. And I am thankful, even though I didn’t say so on this blog exactly on Thanksgiving Day. Last week I made […]

    My Mom

    This week I’ve been neglecting my hot little kitchen because… she came! My mom came! To the Philippines! To spend time with me and Bjork […]

    The Dogs

    This post could get raw, weepy, and contemplative reeeeal quick. Consider yourselves warned. I’m losing a mind battle with the dogs. I tried to focus […]

    It’s the Little Things

    Like finding a gym. A real, treadmill-elliptical-yoga-room gym. Or getting a table.

    This Is Why

    Babies are the new thing.

    Places, Etc.

    Let’s have a cupcake together.

    Thoughts at Three Months {his and hers}

    I can hardly believe it. It’s been three months since we boarded a plane in little old Minnesota, sprinted through the Chicago airport with overpacked […]