    HomeLiving Abroad

    Living Abroad

    This Is My Neighborhood

    Kites. All the time. Barbed wire gates, a tangle of electrical lines, and hard working people.

    The Market

    It’s 4am. I’m sitting on a bench in the back of a big white van, smushed up against our house mothers, older kids, wooden crates, […]

    This is lunch time.

    On today’s menu: rice, fish, and rice. Lami kaayo! Thanks to our awesome friends Brad and Kirstin for filming, and if you want to keep […]

    When friends come to the Philippines

    They dress up as clowns. If they’re cool. And my friend Angie is definitely cool. Even in the downtown city market, in the hottest and […]


    I’m kind of embarrassed that I titled this post “cute” because cute is a very shallow way to describe these little ones, and all that […]

    A Million Pictures of My Family

    That sure sounds appealing, right? My Family Was In Cebu This Week Weeeeooo! They braved the 24+ hours of travel to Cebu so they could […]

    24-Hour Vacation

    Is it just me or is my helmet always crooked? Last weekend we did a 24-hour vacation/road trip to a little place called Moalboal. On […]

    Family Vacation

    Last week I told you we had been off the grid. But this week, with Bjork’s parents still visiting, we were REALLY off the grid. […]

    She’s Leaving

    “Teacher Lindsay, is that your laundry?”

    Pretty Faces

    When you see these faces, you just know.