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    Living Abroad

    Unsurpassable Worth

    -> CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE HERO ROSTER <- This post has been simmering away in my head and heart for a long time now. […]

    Camote Tops (Camote Fritters)

    There they all, all purpley and wonderful. Today’s post is a throwback to when I said I was going to do a ten-week series on […]

    Sweet Corn Maja

    {First, some sad news. There was a major earthquake in Cebu on Tuesday. While the kids and workers at CSC are safe, there are so […]

    Banana Cue

    This was one of my craziest and most fun days in the Philippines. And it is without a double THE MOST delicious snack. We made […]

    Filipino Humba

    Ok, so Filipino humba. I feel pretty comfortable calling this my favorite Filipino food, although it’s a close tie between this and Pancit. It is […]

    The Highlight Reel

    Whenever a visitor, staff, child, or adoptive family leaves CSC to go back home, the kids sing a goodbye song and everyone hugs. Like literally, […]

    When It’s All Said and Done

    What was the best thing about the year? Okay, what!? How am I supposed to answer that? There were so many incredible things about this […]

    The Journey Home

    I just ate one of my sister’s citrus scones with butter and honey that was in the welcome home basket from my family and I’m […]

    Growing Up

    When we first came to the Philippines to work at this orphanage one year ago, I was totally enthralled with the babies. And some things […]

    A Philippines Birthday

    Alrighty! As of yesterday, I’m 27 years old. And I have peace like a river in my soul, even though I’m getting wrinkles from laughing […]