

    Fall Capsule Wardrobe

    Oh, happy day! After a few mall trips, Goodwill runs, written planning, online shopping sprees, and in-store exchanges just to make sure, my fall capsule is […]

    September Lunch Date

    Guys! It’s September, and I love lunch dates, so this post is gonna be just like we’re having lunch together. Sitting outside, maybe? 60 degrees […]

    The Hardest Times

    “This is what I know: God can make something beautiful out of anything, out of darkness and trash and broken bones. He can shine light […]

    Being Fully Alive in the Summer

    The sun right now – ugh, the morning summer sun. ♡ PLEASE NEVER LEAVE. It’s streaming through the pines outside the windows and making the quiet […]

    What You Should Know About St. Paul Right Now

    It’s so close to our house that I’ve driven by it every day on my way to the studio without even trying. But yesterday Bjork and I […]

    Let Us See An Army Rise

    Something amazing just happened, and it was this: You showed up and poured out love. Over the course of just 10 hours, you brought together $20,000 to feed kids without […]

    Unsurpassable Worth

    -> CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE HERO ROSTER <- This post has been simmering away in my head and heart for a long time now. […]

    Sage in February – 2016

    Saaaaage! Our sweetest little Sage. This week while we’ve been in the Philippines, every once in a while I’ll think about home and remember: oh yeah, […]

    Feeling Jealous on the Internet… and 12 Ways to Make it Stop

    A few weeks ago, I had this experience: I woke up in what is for sure the world’s most comfortable bed -> MY bed. I was well-rested. […]

    Girls’ Weekend Getaway: Scottsdale, Arizona

    Hey girls, remember that one time when we went to Scottsdale? Warming sun? Sip-tastic drinks? OMG food? Otherworldly spa experiences? Good conversations 24/7? Yeah, THAT time. Since […]