

    April Coffee Date – 2018

    Well hi again! Looks like it’s already time for our monthly coffee date. What are you guys drinking this month? I’m happy to report that […]

    The Food You Need to Be Eating at Target Field This Summer

    Alright, kids. You know that feeling you get when at a sporting event that you are medium-interested in (sorry, baseball) but crazy-excited about for food […]

    March Coffee Date – 2018

    We’re already coming to the end of March which means… A) SUMMER IS SO CLOSE I CAN LITERALLY TASTE IT!!! B) It’s been a minute! […]

    February Coffee Date – 2018

    Sometimes it’s nice to just chat, right? It’s the end of the month (SCREAM how did that happen) and I’m feeling a chat day. It’s […]

    The Island of My Dreams

    Confession: I am a trip hog. I try to play it cool, but I LOVE trips. I love vacation. I love travel. And I love […]

    Twas The Night Before The Christmas Party

    Even though we are majorly un-fancy for our party, I have to brag for a second: we had a Christmas miracle this year which was that I CREATED THIS FANCY CHEESEPLATE SITUATION.

    Attic Remodel Tour: The Reveal!

    Many Thanks to Wayfair for Helping us furnish the attic Well. Thanks also to our friends at Curbly for helping us style the space! Tadaahhhh! There it is, […]

    Because Christmas Shopping from the Couch is The Best Ever

    NOTE: This post contains affiliate links. Tis the season already?!? Yep. TIS THE SEASON. This week it will be Thanksgiving. That is… a lot of […]

    A Holiday Survival Guide for Sad People

    This post feels unpopular. Is it unpopular? I think it is. Because the holidays are happy! Why talk about sad things? Why dwell on the […]

    Trip Friends in Aspen + a Giveaway

    For The Giveaway, Scroll To The End Of The Post. This whole thing actually started a long time ago. With a Chevy Trailblazer and a […]