

    Just a Check In, Plus… Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese

    Just a lil’ check-in see how you’re doing with all the weird stuff happening right now. Plus I’m sharing a fav right now – tomato soup and grilled cheese!

    A Covid-19 Coffee Date (All About Food)

    Life feels a little wobbly right now, doesn’t it? Holy smokes. The news is changing every day with updates on the novel coronavirus, and now […]

    February Coffee Date – 2020

    Okay, really, this is a coffee date spanning November, December, January, and the very beginning of February. I can’t believe it’s been that long!

    October-November Coffee Date

    Heyo! Basic fall-loving internet girl, reporting for duty! Here’s the latest on what’s going on for me this October/November.

    September Coffee Date – 2019

    It’s September, and do you love it or do you love it? I love it. Here’s what September has been like for us over here in charming, fall-ish St. Paul, Minnesota.

    August Coffee Date

    August coffee date… or more like Summer Recap Coffee Date. I think I skipped July? And is it even August anymore? When does summer officially end? I don’t even know.

    June Coffee Date – 2019

    I have thoughts, okay? It’s hot, it’s sunny, and I have thoughts. But first, let’s address the what’s-in-your-summer-cup question.

    May Coffee Date – 2019

    SPRING IS HERE! Okay fine I did turn on the heat today for a second (eye roll) but I am just declaring, SPRING IS HERE!

    Business and Babies

    This is a post about entrepreneurial motherhood. It’s about what it looks like to work for yourself – like being a writer, or a blogger, […]

    April Coffee Date – 2019

    This post contains referral links for products we love. Pinch of Yum earns a small commission on these links at no cost to you, and […]