

    Fraction Pancakes

    Cooking pancakes with my class?  Sounds like so much fun!  And what a perfect way to get some fraction practice done!

    Getting Over It.

    It’s a funny thing. You get asked to do something awesome like taking pictures for a well-known web magazine, and you’re on top of the […]

    Ten Casseroles

    I smell like an onion.  I have raw duck breasts sitting in my refrigerator.  And I just found a piece of parsley stuck to the […]


    Reasons why I’m not on schedule: 1.  An extreme haircut yesterday.  NINE inches. 2.  A post-haircut counseling session with Bjork.

    Merry Christmas Things.

    Top 5 things my students have said to me this year: 1.  Student: Mrs. Ostrom, your hair looks… Me: different? Student: No, more like it […]

    Thanksgiving Top Ten

    This post actually isn’t going to be the top ten things I’m thankful for.  That would turn into a top 150 list and it would […]

    Japanese Halloween

    Juicy Pork. Crispy Panko. Stunning pottery. Warm miso soup. And the featured dish: Tonkatsu. Can your in-laws cook like this? Now if only it could […]

    Saying Goodbye

    My Grandpa passed away yesterday. Needless to say, making delicious food has temporarily dropped off my list of priorities. Thanks for being patient while I […]

    Where I’ve Been

    After a week of country music, friends, and good eats on the road, we’re back home. In a valiant effort to get back on the […]

    Grandma’s Apple Crisp

    There’s no place like home, except Grandma’s. Especially when there’s apple crisp involved. I’m so lucky to have loving grandparents who are willing to host […]