

    Holiday Gift Guide: Pretty Gifts for Fashion Lovers

    This Holiday Gift Guide is sponsored by the Honest Company. And please note that I use all of the products listed below, and please note […]

    Holiday Gift Guide: Fun Gifts for Foodies

    This Holiday Gift Guide is sponsored by The Honest Company. And please note that I use all of the products listed below, and please note […]

    Yum Sweet Home: Before Pictures

    1. We have a house. WE HAVE A HOUSE! 2. Our house has an old front door.

    10 Days to Montana and Back

    Ten days, one SUV, four adults, one baby, one dog. Nine hundred million gas station and fast food stops, two hotels, three thousand miles, one […]

    10 Things I ♥ This Friday

    Clarity, The Magazine As of last week when the first issue came out, I’m now a recipe and food photography magazine contributor! Yep. CLARITY is […]

    And now you know about Opal apples

    This post is sponsored by Opals. It might be hard to tell with the whole windblown should-have-brought-a-jacket look, but here we are!  In Washington! And […]

    Why I didn’t use Pinterest, and why I changed my mind.

    Yessum. Pinch of Yum is now on Pinterest! And now you’re all like, um, why weren’t you on Pinterest before? Let’s talk. Remember when Pinterest […]

    The number of hours I spent blogging this week

    People often ask me how much time I put into blogging each week, and honestly, I can’t give them a good answer. Sometimes I feel […]

    On Full Time Blogging

    A few months ago, when Bjork was putting together another one of the income reports, we both had this realization moment: at this point I […]


    This weekend my friend Megan shared this photo with the hashtag #prayfornewtown. It was the first I had heard. With this tragedy still fresh on […]