

    Getting To Know Each Other {Reader Survey}

    Sweet friends! I’m just popping in today for two seconds with something new because I ♡ you (too much? too soon?) and I want to make […]

    California Road Trip: Ten Must-See Places on Highway One

    Today’s post is sponsored by NatureBox, makers of delicious snacks that are a road tripper’s best friend. Hi friends! We’re hooooome! Said with a long Minnesota […]

    24 Healthy Groceries You Need To Try From Target

    Doing something different today, guys! Today we are talking food products, grocery shopping, healthier eating, and Target. I love where this is going already. A […]

    Ten Awesome Things To Do In Charleston

    You knew it was coming, right? A bombardment of photos and food talk from our recent trip to Charleston? Buckle up, friends, because Charleston took […]

    Ski Trip: Park City, Utah

    This post is sponsored by the lovely Park City Chamber of Commerce/Convention & Visitors Bureau. Thanks to our seriously awesome new friends there who showed us […]

    Kitchen Remodel: The Final Reveal

    Hallooooo, kitchen remodel post! After months of dreaming and pinning ideas // months of pretending to be an adult picking out things like countertops and […]

    The Failed Recipes of 2014

    Here she be! The Last Post of 2014. And what better way to wrap up the year than to share my worst failed recipes from […]

    And Just Like That: Christmas 2014

    And Just Like That, Christmas Be Gone How did that just happen? I blinked and allthethingshappened and now it’s December 27th and Christmas is nothing […]

    How To Host A Holiday Cookie Baking Party

    Last weekend I hosted a cookie baking party. Wait, let me say that again. I HOSTED A COOKIE BAKING PARTY! Like the real, true, responsible […]

    15 Ways To Avoid Blogger Burnout

    Six months. That’s how long it’s been since I left my first dream job as a fourth grade teacher to pursue my second dream job […]