

    The Failed Recipes of 2015

    ‘Scuse me! Look out! Recipe Fails of 2015 comin’ through! By some magic eclipse of time, it’s the last post of 2015! And what better […]

    Sage in October

    Okay, I really do have recipes going on in my life. And they will make it to the blog, super soonish. Pinky promise. But if we […]

    Sage in August

    SAAAAGE! ♡ In a few days, it’s going to be September. Say wha? This is both NOT OKAY and also the best thing ever because fall is amazing […]

    Up North: Ten Days at the Cabin

    One picture of food. Just one. That’s all! WHAT IS HAPPENING. Last week Bjork and I returned from a ten-day family vacation UP NORTH (where […]

    For the First Time Ever

    Out of office! And for good reason. ❤️ For eleven years now, we’ve been going to a cabin with my family and spend the better part […]

    You Don’t Know Until You Know

    Those little feet ‼️ For about three weeks in June (where did that month go?), Bjork and I had a house full of little friends, little […]

    Homemade Brown Sugar Baked Beans

    Well, lookee here! This pot o glory is the new-to-me wonder known as HOMEMADE BAKED BEANS. They are saucy, semi-creamy, brown sugar sweet + smoky […]

    New Orleans in the Summer

    Home again, home again! It’s been five days since we’ve completed the trip loop – Minneapolis to New Orleans to Minneapolis again – and I […]

    Sage in May

    Blogging is so weird. I woke up this morning and knew that I had to write a post, because it’s Wednesday and I post on Wednesdays. […]

    Introducing Sage

    Alright everybody, it’s time. I’d like to introduce you to our newest Pinch of Yum family member, our little one, our fur baby, our precious girl […]