
    Breakfast Pizza with Kale Pesto and Sun Dried Tomatoes

    Breakfast Pizza cut into squares.

    This post is sponsored by DeLallo – we are using SEVERAL of their products here, but most importantly, the pizza crust! 

    Whoa-ho-hoooo. THIS.

    This what my best breakfast dreams are made of.

    Like, maybe I’m biased, but seriously – has kale pesto ever looked so delicious and, uh, NOT-kale-pesto-y? But there it is. Kale. On a breakfast pizza. This is cheesy breakfast perfection and I love it so.

    Most of the recipes for Pinch of Yum get made at least twice: once for real life dinner and once for the blog. But every once in a while we get a recipe that sticks around for longer than average because it is either A) a little bit more tricky to master, or B) so absolutely life-changing that it MUST be made again and again and a– yes, that, forever, x100.

    This recipe was both A and B and I am not one percent mad about it. To be specific, we made it a total of six times. HELLO. Six times.

    Now please behold this soft, runny egg on your breakfast pizza.

    Breakfast Pizza close up.

    You know those times (or that one time? singular?) when you’re going to “make your own pizza” and it’s exciting and sparkly and ambitious, and you buy all the stuff and you feel awesome about being so homemade, but then you bake it and think that your pizza life might be tastier if you had actually just ordered, because, ew, the homemade crust is like cardboard and the cheese didn’t melt right?

    Pizza slash pizza crust is hard to master. It just is.

    Since we’re twins about this stuff, I know that you and I are in the same boat of NOT HAVING TIME, or interest, for that matter, to sit around all day and do whatever secret thing it is that legit pizza dough makers do to get their dough so amazingly crispy on the outside // soft and chewy on the inside // just generally better tasting than ours. Like, I don’t know, it’s probably not that hard but IT PROBABLY IS so just let me for a minute.

    The good news of the day is that the fantastic pizza dough makers at DeLallo have packaged their secrets into this super easy, super quick (45 minutes! LESS THAN AN HOUR!) Italian Pizza Dough Kit that is literally changing my life to the point where I might lose my first-name-basis customer status at the Papa Murphy’s that is dangerously close to my house.

    I swear, DeLallo puts pizza fairy dust in here (except not in a weird way, because all the ingredients here are simple, clean, and good including superfine flour that gives it a fresh-bread-like taste with a crispy exterior – ummm yes). It is far superior to any homemade crust I’ve ever had before. The only thing you need is water, friends. WATER.


    Pizza dough kit.
    Kale pesto and almonds in a food processor.
    Cherry tomatoes in a jar.

    Once the crust is made, the rest is easy history.

    Kale pesto, revisited. Sun dried tomatoes. Cheese. And then you get to crack those eggs on top of the pizza which is really a fun and exciting thing for us basic girls.

    We served this with a bowl of fruit and some green smoothies to round out the whole experience. Does that even work? Don’t care. Hurry uppppp and make this!

    Breakfast Pizza cut into squares.

    You can grab a DeLallo Italian Pizza Dough Kit with their authentic superfine flour on their website.


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    Breakfast Pizza sliced with eggs.

    Breakfast Pizza with Kale Pesto and Sun Dried Tomatoes

    • Author:
      Pinch of Yum

    • Total Time:
      25 minutes

    • Yield:
      1 14-inch pizza 1x


    Breakfast Pizza – kale pesto, sun dried tomatoes, sausage, cheese, herbs, and eggs baked right on top. Super easy and adaptable recipe for brunch!




    • 1 batch of DeLallo pizza crust
    • 1/2 cup kale pesto (or store bought pesto works too)
    • 1/2 cup chopped sun dried tomatoes (I like DeLallo sun dried tomatoes packed in olive oil)
    • 2 cups shredded Mozzarella cheese
    • 34 large eggs
    • parsley and Parmesan for topping
    • (cooked chorizo, bacon, or sausage if you want to add meat!)


    1. Prepare the pizza dough according to package directions.
    2. Preheat the oven to 500 degrees, or the hottest temp your oven can handle. Hot = good for the crust.
    3. Divide into two pieces. Stretch one of the pieces into a 14-inch round pizza (I didn’t measure, I just stretched till it was starting to get thin in the middle), coating with flour to prevent sticking. Transfer to a baking sheet, pizza pan, or baking stone. Freeze the other piece of dough for a future pizza.
    4. Spread the pizza with the kale pesto (you might not need 1/2 cup depending on how thick your pesto is – just spread it until you get a thin layer on each pizza). Arrange the sun dried tomatoes in an even layer over the pesto and top with cheese. Make three or four small wells in the cheese to make room for the eggs. Crack the eggs and arrange them (raw) among the top cheese layer.
    5. Bake the pizza on the highest rack for 6-10 minutes, until the crust is baked, the cheese is melted and bubbly, and the eggs are cooked to your liking (I like the yolks to be soft). Remove from oven, let it stand a few minutes, and cut into slices. YUM!


    The timing on this is critical if you want soft eggs and perfectly browned cheese. Try not to open the oven too much because the super high heat is really good for the crust. I found it worked best to literally watch through the door of my oven for the last few minutes to make sure that the eggs were done to my liking and the cheese didn’t get too brown. Keep in mind that the eggs will firm up just a little even after you remove from the oven. One time I left it in just two minutes too long and it quickly went from under-done to over-browned cheese with hard egg yolks (not awesome). All that to say, you may need to watch it and adjust depending on your oven temp and circulation.

    Add meat if you want! We made this with both sausage and chorizo and it was tasty!

    The yield totally depends on how much pizza you want to eat. We made these same size pizzas with our friends on a Saturday night not too long ago, and we almost finished both pizzas between the four of us. But when I made this for a brunch with Bjork’s parents, we didn’t even finish the ONE pizza between the four of us. So it really depends!

    • Prep Time: 10 mins
    • Cook Time: 15 mins
    • Category: Breakfast
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: breakfast pizza, kale pizza, sun dried tomato pizza

    Recipe Card powered by Tasty Recipes logo

    This post was sponsored by the pizza geniuses at DeLallo. 

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