
    Big Soft M&M Cookies

    Big soft M&M cookies on a drying rack.

    Friday. Weekly reflections. COOKIES. More specifically, big soft M&M cookies.

    It’s been a long time since I posted cookies on the blog. Welcome back, old friends. My coworker Lori shared this recipe with me after I tasted one of her cookies and begged her repeatedly for the recipe. I do that to people, so if you ever give me food, watch out. I will hunt you down.

    Something you should know —> or not, but you’re here and I’m talking so let’s do it —> it’s NOT one of my more efficient habits, but I am the kind of person who reverse-fills in my calendar with the things I’ve already done. Like, did it, done, still gonna write it down. I just kinda like to analyze, even if it’s my random Tuesday tasks like grocery shopping and working out (wait, what’s that again?). Even if the things have already been said and done, I’ll go back and put it on my calendar just as proof that it actually happened. And then check mark them. Done. Accomplished. Getting things done. Ahhhhhh, check marks on a Friday.

    Have another cookie.

    In an effort to extend my backwards calendaring to the blog, here are some Instagram highlights from the week, comin atcha.

    It snowed this week and I died of happiness every time I looked out the window. Minnesota may the be the second coldest place in all the Earth (no, LITERALLY) but it’s so incredibly beautiful. It gives me these little joyful chills when I look out onto our street. Get it? Chills? Yeah.

    Snowy road.

    Also beautiful: this in my lunchbox all week. I will never eat (vegetarian, in this case) chili without polenta ever again. Match made in heaven.

    (Look for that recipe in ze eCookbook! It’s coming veryyyy soon!)

    Food in two white bowls.

    Still eating ohhhhhatmeal. Every day. Always.

    Food in a white dish with a spoon.

    The struggle between working almost full time as a teacher and working almost full time as a blogger has me… a little tired. But these little people are pops of brightness in my day and I really really ❤ them.

    Paper with a note to a teacher.

    The basement is my new home for eCookbook photos. So the basement is my home. So I’m freezing.

    Artificial lights for food photography.

    For four years of blogging, we’ve never done a podcast interview. But then all of a sudden, we did a bunch of podcast interviews. We only have one mic so we have to share it. Two mouths talking into one weird looking contraption. Please don’t imagine it; it’s awkward.


    This roasty goodness never gets old. The salad that these little ones topped was one of my favorites of all time of the world of my life. I say that about every salad, though, so you don’t have to listen to me.

    Sweet potatoes roasting on a black surface.

    It’s the weekend! So snuggle with your loved ones and sleep in a little bit, yeah? That’s what I’m talking about.

    Oh, here, take seventy for the road.

    Big soft M&M cookies on a stack of white plates.


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    A picture of Big Soft M&M Cookies

    Big Soft M&M Cookies


    These big soft M&M cookies are just that: BIG AND SOFT. A quick and easy pick me up for any day. One of my favorite cookie recipes!




    • 1 cup packed brown sugar
    • 1/2 cup white sugar
    • 1 cup shortening
    • 2 eggs
    • 2 teaspoons vanilla
    • 2 1/2 cups flour (+ 2-3 tablespoons)
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • 1 1/2 cups M&M’s


    1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a large bowl, mix the brown sugar, white sugar, shortening, eggs, and vanilla with electric mixers on low speed until well mixed.
    2. Add the 2 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix until just combined; I found it easiest to finish this by hand. Add the extra tablespoons of flour until the dough feels thick and almost dry to the touch. Stir the M&M’s into the dough.
    3. Roll into large balls (unless you want small cookies, and who are you anyways?) and press extra M&M’s into the tops. Flatten slightly with your palm or the back of a wooden spoon. Bake for 8-10 minutes (they will be slightly underbaked). Remove from cookie sheet right away and place on cooling rack. Let stand for 5-10 minutes to help the cookies hold their shape.


    I always put a little extra flour in my cookies so they don’t get flat. But if you find that you get too much flour and they aren’t flattening at all (I may or may not have made this mistake) just press them down with the palm of your hand or the back of a wooden spoon so they are normal-cookie-shaped before you even bake them.

    • Prep Time: 20 mins
    • Cook Time: 10 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: m&m cookie, cookie recipe, m&ms, soft cookie

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    Big Soft M&M Cookies |

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