
    Best Ever Brownies

    Two brownies on a white plate.

    If you’re new to my blog, hidey-ho and welcome!

    I’d like to take this moment to let you know that I’m not a ten year old.

    I do know how to bake brownies from scratch, I swear.

    But I am a real person (yes, I’m real) and I work at a real job, and sometimes I turn into a zombie during the week.  That’s for realz. What am I going to do when we have kids, or, like, a pug? Geez.

    Here’s the truth: I am 100% real when I say that these are the BEST EVER BROWNIES I’ve ever made. And they’re so easy that you might think I’m ten years old, but remember, I’m not. Right?

    The only other brownies that even come close in my mind are these ones.  Yeah.  Please don’t judge.  I was just a baby back then.

    You know those times when you’re supposed to bring treats somewhere but you seriously don’t have the time?  MAKE.THESE. They are the answer to treats at your next office treat day, birthday party, Bible study, basketball thingy, or Friday night lounge party on the couch.

    As if the brownies aren’t enough, I dare you not to eat 3 cups of the batter.  Seriously.  You might think I’m joking, but look at the corners of my mouth and tell me you don’t see chocolate. Tell me.

    People love them. They’re easy. Taadaaa!


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    A picture of Best Ever Brownies

    Best Ever Brownies


    These are the BEST ever brownies! Made with my favorite mix and made even more decadent with crushed Oreo cookies. So easy and always a hit!



    • 1 package Ghirardelli Double Chocolate brownie mix (the kind with the chocolate chips in it)
    • 1 egg
    • 1/3 cup oil
    • 1/4 cup water
    • 1014 Oreo cookies


    1. Preheat the oven to 325. Prepare the brownie mix as directed with the egg, oil and water.
    2. Coarsely crush the Oreos in a large bag with your hands or a rolling pin. I like to leave some pieces pretty big. Pour them into the batter and mix well. Batter will be thick.
    3. Pour batter into a greased square baking pan (mine is about 8×8) and bake for 30-40 minutes. Check doneness by inserting a knife into the brownies; if it comes out mostly clean, you should be good to go. But when in doubt, I’d say underbake!


    I double this for a 9×13 pan.

    FYI: the texture of these is similar to a regular (but super ooey gooey perfectly baked) brownie. Usually people don’t even know that there are Oreos in it because they sort of just melt right into the batter, making them extra… yummy. You could sprinkle some on top if you wanted them be more like Oreo brownies.

    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 40 mins
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: brownie recipe, best brownie recipe, chocolate brownie

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    The ultimate question is what will you do with the leftover Oreos?

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