
    Banza Chicken Bowls with Calabrian Chili Sauce

    Bowl with seasoned chicken, rice, cucumber salad, and a calabrian chili sauce.

    I Honestly Wake Up In The Morning Thinking About These Chicken Bowls.

    Yep, still here, still talking about that air fryer chicken but this time it’s in bowl form and there’s a new sauce in town.

    Tonight we had these chicken bowls for dinner, and Bjork smothered his still-warm, juicy, golden chicken strips with that spicy tangy Calabrian chile sauce and declared it the best chicken he’s ever had. And as soon as I open my eyes in the morning, one of my first waking thoughts is: “YES I get to eat that bowl again for lunch today.”

    This bowl is like a little symphony – the crunch of the tomato cucumber salad, the thin slips of bitey red onion, the golden crisped air fryer chicken cut into tender little strips, a big pile of perfectly chewy Banza, and a heavy pour of tangy Calabrian chile sauce on top. I am drooling.

    If you need to scale it back and make it easier with fewer elements, just go for the chicken with the sauce and the salad. Or the chicken with the sauce and the Banza.

    Or, really, just the chicken with the sauce. That Calabrian chile sauce is at the heart of it all.

    January is long, but this bowl, for me, has been one of those super happy meals where I’m excited to eat it AND I feel good about the actual nutrition in it. Like, one of those meals that I look forward to and it becomes the highlight of my day. Belly full, tastebuds so exceptionally happy. Hope you like it!

    Make These Chicken Bowls with Me


    Make a tomato cucumber salad.

    Toys are on the counter. Kids are hovering. It’s fine. This is just cucumbers, tomatoes, red onion (extra thin slices please!) plus a bit of vinegar, olive oil, and salt.


    Make your calabrian chile sauce.

    This magic will last you for several days and give you several rounds of bowls. Or salads. Or wraps. It’s SO incredibly good.


    Make your chicken.

    Sauce is done, salad is done. Now for the air fryer chicken. Takes about 15 minutes.


    Get some Banza in there.

    Get your Banza base in there, or whatever you like for a carb. This is the tomato chipotle Banza which doesn’t make any sense with these flavors but somehow is very delicious.


    You’re Done! Yum!

    Pile it all on there. Segment some out for kids as needed with ketchup or ranch. AND NOW GET INTO IT!

    Watch How To Make These Chicken Bowls


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    A picture of Banza Chicken Bowls with Calabrian Chili Sauce

    Banza Chicken Bowls with Calabrian Chili Sauce

    • Author:
      Lindsay Ostrom

    • Total Time:
      35 minutes

    • Yield:
      makes enough sauce and salad for at least 4 bowls


    This bowl has it all! The crunch of the tomato cucumber salad, the thin slips of bitey red onion, the golden crisped air fryer chicken cut into tender little strips, a big pile of perfectly chewy Banza, and a dollop of tangy calabrian chile sauce on top.




    Tomato Cucumber Salad

    • 1 English cucumber, cut into chunks (about 1 1/2 cups)
    • 1 pint cherry tomatoes, cut into halves (about 1 1/2 cups)
    • a small chunk of red onion, thinly sliced on a mandoline
    • a small bundle of parsley, chopped (about 1/4 cup)
    • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

    Calabrian Chile Sauce

    • 1/4 cup mayo
    • 1/4 cup Greek yogurt
    • 23 individual Calabrian chiles, stems discarded, smashed / minced (I use a jarred variety)
    • 1 clove garlic, grated
    • a splash of castelvetrano olive brine (optional, see notes)
    • salt to taste

    The Rest


    1. Tomato Salad: Toss the tomato cucumber salad ingredients together. Taste and adjust! (If you wanted to prep ahead, save the chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, and red onion in separate containers in the fridge with no liquids added until just before serving.)
    2. Sauce: Stir up the sauce ingredients. Taste and adjust! This keeps super well in the fridge for several days.
    3. Chicken and Banza: Make the chicken and the banza (or whatever carb you like).
    4. You’re Done! Yum! Assemble and serve! Gah! So good.


    Olive Brine: This adds a salty, buttery effect to the sauce. It’s delightful. If you don’t have it, don’t run out to the store just for this. You can skip it and you’ll be fine. I’ve also subbed pickle brine and it’s fine, but a bit brighter since the pickle brine is tangier than the olive brine.

    • Prep Time: 25 minutes
    • Cook Time: 10 minutes
    • Category: Dinner
    • Method: Air Fryer
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: chicken bowls, Banza, Banza rice, air fryer chicken

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