
    Announcing New Stuff

    A New FAQ Page

    Finally! The About tab in the navigation bar will lead you to a few new/updated pages, including a new FAQ page. This is one of those little things that I’ve been meaning to do for, like, ever, and I finally got around to doing it. Yipee! If you have a question that you would like to see added to the FAQ page, feel free to let me know in a comment or in an email.

    Announcements on a website.

    New Recipe Categories and Visual Index

    Thanks to the redesign we did last month, we now have a visual recipe index for each of the recipe categories on Pinch of Yum! That means when you browse recipes, it will look similar to a Foodgawker or Tastespotting page with lots of thumbnails to look through.

    {After some careful combing, I think most everything is in place, but do me a favor? If you see a picture that is missing or that is the wrong size, just leave a comment or send an email so I can get it fixed. Thankyouuuu!}

    I also spent a bunch of time going through the posts and re-categorizing them to include some new sub categories for the Healthy section: vegan, superfoods, gluten free, and lightened up. There’s also a category for vegetarian but I kept it within the Dinner section.

    Announcements on a website.

    I have to give you a disclaimer about these – I don’t strictly follow any of those diets for myself, so there might be some incorrect categorizations, especially for vegan and gluten free. If something is definitely not right, please email me and I will take a look at it. That being said, I decided to still include recipes that could be easily adapted to those diets. For example, you might see a recipe in the gluten free section that includes soy sauce, because the recipe could easily be adapted by using gluten free soy sauce. Does that make sense? I am really excited about targeting the right recipes to the right readers with this new system and I hope it’s a helpful tool for you.

    One last thing: in case you are tired of looking through pages of food pictures in the visual recipe index, you can also click on the recipe index option to just see a text version of all the most recent posts in each category.


    Our Favorites

    We have a fun new widget on the sidebar showing what each of our favorite recipes have been lately! Look for the meat, Mexican food, and any sort of underbaked dessert in Bjork’s. Mine is usually stuff like my beloved lentils, vegetarian curry, and salty-sweets. And the popular tab is for the ones you all like the best based on pins, comments, and ratings.

    Favorite recipes on a website.

    ZipList Recipe Tools

    Since this post was published, ZipList has been discontinued so these features are no longer available.

    Bing-bam-boom! This is really cool. I just signed up for myself (took about .2 seconds) and saved my Crockpot Pork Adobo recipe to test it out. It was so easy, and easy is a lifetime winner in my book. I teamed up with to make this possible – they power recipe boxes and shopping lists you find online at AOL’s KitchenDaily,,,, and hi! Now you can do the same thing right here on Pinch of Yum.

    My hope is that these new tools will make it easier for you to save your favorite recipes from Pinch of Yum to an online recipe box.


    To save a recipe into your recipe box, just hit the little save button right on the recipe. It’s seriously so easy.

    And maybe I chose this chocolate chip cookie brownie recipe as my demo for a reason. Just saying.

    Online recipe.

    Tasty Food Photography EBook

    Final announcement? The updated version of Tasty Food Photography will be released next week! I’m superpumped to share the latest that I’ve learned about food photography in the same easy-to-read format. More on that soon!

    If you have any questions about any of the new site features, just let me know in the commentz right down dere.

    As much as I want to pretend this was super interesting, I’m going to acknowledge the fact that you and I are both now ready to go make a yummy snack and watch Modern Family.  Thanks for checking in on the p-o-y updates. You’re cool.

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