
    Almond Butter Cups

    Almond butter cups with bite taken out.

    Almond Butter Cups SAY WHATTTT!

    It’s like Reese’s peanut butter cups left us, and then went and got cleaned up, and then came back to propose to us again just in time for Sugar Free January.

    Raise your hand if you want to eat these right now? Your hand should be raised. Raise your hand if you just ate one of these and maybe still have a little chocolate on your mouth? Hiii it me. This is a new fridge/freezer staple in my life.

    I have been generally staying away from desserts during our Sugar Free January challenge, but a few nights ago I was really getting hit hard with a craving for something a little more substantial than my humble little square of dark chocolate. So I went to the kitchen and just made what I was wishing for: a Reese’s-like chocolate situation with very nice, normal, even nutritious ingredients and very limited (or zero!) refined sugars. This was a very good moment for me and it’s about to become a good moment for you.

    How To Make Our Almond Butter Cups (45 SEC):

    Here’s What Almond Butter Cups Are All About:

    • Coconut oil
    • Cocoa powder
    • Sweetener of choice – I like both agave and real maple syrup
    • Nut butter of choice – I like both peanut butter and almond butter
    • Coarse sea salt because SALT HOG
    Almond butter cups chocolate in muffin pan.

    We start with the melted cocoa mixture. Just a little bit is all you need.

    And now a quick little smush of almond butter. Or peanut butter. Or something else. You choose!

    Almond butter cups with chocolate and almond butter.

    And finally, a finishing touch of chocolate to cover up and get smooth, and sea salt for crunch and prettiness.

    Almond butter cups in muffin pan.

    Freeze and done.

    LITERALLY DONE. Just peel the papers off and eat ’em. Not all at once, ideally, but…

    Do you love this recipe or what?!

    In case no one has told you yet today, you – yes, YOU! – are amazing. The universe (and me!) would like to thank you for being your unique and beautiful self by delivering you a sweet, rich, creamy almond butter cup that doesn’t include lots of icky ingredients. This is your moment. May you enjoy every sweet and creamy bite.


    Almond butter cups with bite taken out.


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    Almond Butter Cups in a stack.

    Almond Butter Cups

    • Author: Lindsay
    • Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
    • Yield: 12 medium/large almond butter cups 1x


    Almond Butter Cups: made with five ingredients and no refined sugar. So creamy, rich, and yummy!


    • 3/4 cup melted coconut oil
    • 1/2 cup cocoa powder (more or less to taste)
    • 24 tablespoons natural sweetener (I like agave or maple syrup – more or less to taste)
    • pinch of salt
    • roughly 3/4 cup of almond butter (or any nut butter)
    • sea salt for topping


    1. Whisk the coconut oil, cocoa powder, sweetener, and a pinch of salt.
    2. Fill a regular size muffin tin with paper liners. Pour a small amount of the cocoa mixture (1-2 tablespoons) into the paper cups. Drop a small spoonful of the almond butter (2-3 teaspoons) into the center of each cup. Divide remaining chocolate amongst the cups.
    3. If almond butter is sticking up, just gently press it down so each cup has a smooth top layer. Sprinkle each almond butter cup with a pinch of coarse sea salt. Freeze for one hour or until solid. YUM TOWN.


    These can be stored in the fridge or freezer!

    They are very adaptable – I’ve used as much as 3/4 cup cocoa, and as little as 2 tablespoons agave. It just depends on how sweet / dark you want them to be. I’ve also used peanut butter which is (obviously) delicious!

    • Prep Time: 10 minutes
    • Cook Time: 1 hour (for freezing)
    • Category: Dessert
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: almond butter cups, peanut butter cups, healthy almond butter cups

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    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our easy no-bake desserts page. Check it out!

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