
    Sunshine Lentil Bowls with Garlic Olive Oil Dressing

    Sunshine Lentil Bowl with a fork.

    Meet my happy sunshine lentil bowls, guys! Is it a brunch bowl? A lunch combo? A dinner mash-up?

    It’s a nutritional powerhouse with roasty potatoes, fresh green beans, summery tomatoes, herbs upon herbs, soft scrambled eggs with goat cheese, and of course, a nice hefty pile of those tiny black lentils. Sprinkle with seeds or nuts. Squeeze a little lemon juice over top, maybe drizzle with a little homemade garlic-and-olive-oil Italian dressing. Hit with some salt and pepper.

    Oh my gosh, NEED. Need, need, need.

    It’s my favorite thing to do with food: make myself fall so much in love with foods that are basically the equivalent of winning the nutritional Olympics. Related: helps offset all the marshmallow cream consumed from those s’mores bars. Balance is the name of our game, and summer can be brutal in the most delicious ways, so on the days when I can get it together, this is how I feed my body some happy sunshiney food.

    Hands Holding Sunshine Lentil Bowl.

    Alright, those eggs though.

    Eggs and I have been through a lot these last few years and we’ve finally made our peace. In other words, I finally know how to make eggs that actually taste good.

    It started with the whole poached egg thing – you know, making that super easy by using the jar lid? That was when eggs and I got back on the same page again. Poached, I could do. Fried, on a sandwich or something, yes. I could do that. But my one hold-out was for scrambled eggs. Ew, no, nope nope nope.

    And then I watched a little video on Bon Appetit that changed my egg-making game for life. It requires following a few easy rules – like always using a nonstick, always using a soft rubber spatula, and always keeping the heat low.

    I mean, I don’t mean to brag, but after a few months of practice now (scrambled eggs on toast, scrambled eggs in tacos, scrambled eggs in bowls)… guys. MY EGG GAME IS STRONG.

    Even Bjork, who makes eggs every single morning, asked me to show him how to make those creamy scrambled eggs. OHHHSNAP. Yes he did.

    But this bowl is not just about eggs. Say hello to:

    • Lentils, preferably the tiny black ones because they’re so pretty!
    • Roasty potatoes – sweet potatoes would also be great and maybe have a tad more to offer nutritionally
    • Crispy green beans – or really, any garden summer produce
    • Juicy tomatoes
    • Dill and friends, because herbs are the quintessential taste of summer
    • Quick homemade Italian dressing or similar – you guys know how to roll with this.
    Green beans in a white bowl.
    Tomatoes on a black cutting board.
    Sunshine Lentil Bowl.

    Goat cheese definitely got thrown in the mix, mostly because it’s ON POINT with those eggs, but you could kind of do anything you’re feeling with this – feta, fresh mozz, or cheese-less (except… please don’t do that).

    One last plug for this homemade Italian dressing (loose recipe is outlined in the notes) which can be saved in the fridge for a week or two and dumped on anything and everything that finds its way to your summer table.

    It is the sauce of summer.

    Sunshine Lentil Bowl with drizzle.


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    Lentil Bowl with scrambled eggs, potatoes, green beans, and tomatoes.

    Sunshine Lentil Bowls with Garlic Olive Oil Dressing

    • Author:

    • Total Time:
      15 mins

    • Yield:
      6 servings 1x


    Sunshine Lentil Bowls featuring garden produce like green beans, tomatoes, herbs, roasty potatoes, soft scrambled eggs with goat cheese, and lentils! lots of lentils. My favorite way to do a clean eating reset between all those summery treats.




    • Lentils
    • Potatoes
    • Green Beans
    • Tomatoes
    • Dill and/or parsley, basil, etc.
    • Eggs
    • Goat Cheese

    Garlic Olive Oil Dressing:

    • 3/4 cup olive oil
    • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
    • 2 tablespoons water
    • 1 tablespoon coarse sea salt (or 2 teaspoons table salt) and a pinch of black pepper
    • 1 teaspoon each dry oregano and dry basil
    • 12 teaspoons sugar
    • 1 large clove garlic


    1. Prep Vegetables: Cook your lentils, roast your potatoes, blanch or steam your green beans.
    2. Dressing: Make the dressing by running everything through a blender until smooth.
    3. Yummiest Eggs: In a small nonstick skillet over low heat, add a tiny knob of butter. Whisk your eggs really well in a separate bowl, season with salt and pepper, and pour into the pan. Wait for a minute, then using a soft rubber spatula, gently scrape the edges of the skillet, moving the eggs around in the pan. Wait for a few seconds after each turn of the spatula, and then repeat. You should be getting big fluffy curds. When the eggs are almost fully cooked, add a few chunks of goat cheese and a little pinch of herbs and then remove the pan from heat, letting the cheese melt and the eggs finish cooking off-heat. Add the eggs to your bowls and dress with salt, pepper, lemon juice, dressing, whatever you want.


    The prep for this takes a bit of time, but I like to do it in batches so then I can just keep the ingredients all separate and assemble bowls super quickly throughout the week. Everything in these bowls can be made and served either hot or cold (except the eggs, which should be hot). I recommend plating everything in your bowls BEFORE you make the eggs so you can add the eggs straight to the plate when they’re hot.

    • Prep Time: 15 mins
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: American

    Keywords: lentil bowl, garlic olive oil dressing, summer lentil bowl

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    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our delicious lentil recipes page. Check it out!

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