
    May Coffee Date – 2019

    Stroller under a blooming tree in a sunny park.

    This post contains referral links for products we love. Pinch of Yum earns a small commission on these links at no cost to you, and the links will always be marked with an asterisk. We ♡ honesty!

    SPRING IS HERE! Okay fine I did turn on the heat today for a second (eye roll) but I am just declaring, SPRING IS HERE!

    Which is kind of hilarious because hey good thing spring showed up in time for June 1st?! What is this. Big sigh.

    I am so ready for these long, bright, 75-degree days!

    Here’s what we’re discussing today:

    Since we usually discuss drinks at this point, I need you to know that I am drinking agua frescas from ALDI like my summer well-being depends on it – strawberry lime is my current obsession – and of course there are occasional coconut milk decaf lattes with a half shot of vanilla sneaking into my life here and there as well. Cold drink, sweaty glass, paper straw… yes and yes please.

    What are you drinking? Grab your bevvy and let’s discuss.

    Let The Office Remodel Begin!

    An office space being renovated.

    Man oh man oh man oh man! Things are HAP-PEN-ING!

    Things to know:

    • That tiny wall window has been cut into a HUGE window that is literally 6 feet long – and there’s one on the other side, too. It lets in a ton of light into the center area and it makes the space feel so much nicer.
    • Dropped ceiling has been lifted! Hallelujah.
    • The green, stained carpet is officially out and “wood” aka vinyl-wood floors will be going in sometime soon.
    • Paint is picked! I need to go over tomorrow and get all the walls and trim labeled. Spoiler alert: LOTS OF WHITE. Goodbye, orange walls!
    • The kitchen will be happening in a Phase 2 to allow us to just take things one at a time.
    • My lovely friend Melissa is helping us with design and ensuring that our space makes it look like we know what we’re doing.

    If you want to see the progress via video, check out the stories highlight on the Pinch of Yum Instagram called “Office Remodel”.

    Poor Sage.

    A dog with a cone on.

    Okay, wow. This is a thing that happened in May.

    It started with Sage having a dental cleaning which turned into a “let’s also just make sure that lump isn’t anything” while she was out, and ended with the vet calling us to inform us that the little lump removed from her leg was not cancer but was, in fact, A BULLET. A little BB.

    Saaaage! Poor Sage. I just cannot handle the vision of someone in her past shooting her with a BB gun and, like any normal and reasonable person, have such a hard time understanding such cruelty.

    Of course this gives us a better picture of why she is the way she is (shy and nervous and slightly antisocial) and just makes us even more committed to giving her treats and snuggles for the rest of her life.

    Treats and snuggles, Sage. Treats and snuggles.

    I don’t even want to ask if this has happened to anyone else because I’m sure it has. Why?!? Just why.

    Let’s Talk About Lobster BLTs.

    A pan filled with Lobster BLT’s.

    For dinner club last month I made the Lobster BLT’s from Tieghan’s Half Baked Harvest cookbook.*

    It was fancy and very delicious.

    I just needed you to know.

    Working Out (Or, More Accurately, Not Working Out).

    Soup with paneer, noodles, lime and with chopstick.

    I don’t have any pictures of working out, obviously, which is why I’ll just leave a picture of ramen here.

    You guys, I haven’t worked out in one and a half years.

    That is not an exaggeration. I consider myself a runner, a swimmer, an elliptical-er. But when I got pregnant with Solvi, I had to stop working out since it was a high risk pregnancy where activity was a specific risk. And then when Solvi was born, I had to stop working out because… well, I kind of had to stop doing everything and just survive for a minute.

    But this week! I’m back at it. Solvi is sleeping better than usual (just wrote and then deleted that for fear of jinxing it but here goes nothing) and I’m able to get up early, feed her, and sneak a run in while she and Bjork have breakfast.

    And by “I’m able to” I mean I have done this twice. Can I keep this up?!

    What is your workout routine? How do you make it work?

    And I’ll just tell you in advance that I reject any talk of getting up at 4am to work out. Just full rejection.

    Oh, Plastic.

    A glass of water with a straw in it.

    It’s the season of iced coffees, and you guys, I’m feeling really convicted about my part in the plastic problem. This article re-fueled my fire to try to do a little better this summer.

    I’ve been a fan of paper straws for some time now and typically carry them in my bag or car, so BOOM! that’s one point in my / the Earth’s favor.

    But those dang, pesky, very convenient cups. Ugh.

    I have owned reusable plastic tumblers in the past which are fun and cute, but do any of you actually have one where you bring it to the coffee shop and ask them to fill it up? Why is this making me nervous? Will they even allow it?

    Someone help.

    There’s always a lesson to be learned from Sage, and this month is no exception.

    Tonight Bjork and I had this thought as we sat on our decrepit, paint-peely deck with Sage laying at our feet peacefully surveying her backyard kingdom:

    She loves it here. She doesn’t know that this deck is ugly. She doesn’t know that this doesn’t look good on Instagram. She knows that this is her spot, these are her people, and this night is amazing. She is zero percent self-conscious, discontent, or insecure. She is just one happy doggo, living her best life.

    Lindsay and Solvi in front of a tent.

    I mean… isn’t that strangely inspiring? She loves life and she doesn’t care and she is all-around goals.

    Thanks for being here for another monthly coffee date! You guys make these so fun. XO

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