
    5 Ingredient Coconut Curry

    Coconut curry with broccoli and chickpeas and a creamy coconut curry sauce in a white bowl.

    Moped or no moped?

    {Dear confused reader, that is mo-ped, like motorcycle, like fun on wheels. Wheeeeeeee!}

    Filipino cultural assimilation is in full force as we ask ourselves the biggest question yet: are we going to purchase, drive, and care for our very own moped for the next 11 months?

    Pro-moped thoughts:

    1. Everyone else does it.
    2. The other 5 people drive a scooter or motorcycle or bike taxi.
    3. I could get to the grocery store and back in less than 3 hours.
    4. We could drive to the mall.  Beep beep.
    5. I would no longer need to squish myself onto the bench/laps of people on the Jeepney.
    6. My shoes wouldn’t have “mud” all over them.
    7. It will be the coolest thing I’ve ever done.
    8. I wouldn’t have to decide what to say/who to look at/where to hide/what facial expression to use when people shout friendly things at me while I’m walking home.  Social stress.
    9. I wouldn’t have to see dead cats on the road while walking home.
    10. I wouldn’t have to walk, period.

    Anti-moped thoughts:

    1. Death.
    2. Injury.
    3. Fights over who gets to drive it.
    4. #3 was a lie because I would obviously not drive – the traffic situation here is similar to a blindfolded three ring circus, and the last thing anyone needs is me pretending to know what I’m doing, on a moped, weaving in and out between roosters and Jeepneys and stray dogs.  Which goes back to #1.
    5. Me not driving.


    Coconut curry with broccoli and chickpeas and a creamy coconut curry sauce in a white bowl.

    Oh, hi coconut curry.

    You came together so fast and I was talking so much about mopeds that I almost forgot you existed.

    But then I smelled your delicious coconutiness and saw your creamy, spicy sauce that reminded me of a delicious mashup of Indian curry and Thai curry… And then I shared you with the world, because maybe someone else likes 5 ingredient recipes as much as I do.


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    A picture of 5 Ingredient Coconut Curry

    5 Ingredient Coconut Curry


    This 5-ingredient coconut curry has broccoli and chickpeas and a creamy coconut curry sauce that comes together super fast.


    • 1 can coconut milk
    • 2 tablespoons red curry paste
    • 2 small heads broccoli (and/or other veggies of choice)
    • 1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
    • 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch dissolved in 2 tablespoons cold water
    • optional: minced garlic or onion


    1. Saute broccoli (and onion/garlic if you’re using it) in a tablespoon of oil. After a few minutes, add the coconut milk and let simmer for 5-8 minutes. The broccoli should soften but still be tender-crisp.
    2. Add the curry paste to the pan and whisk it until it combines with the coconut milk. Add the chickpeas.
    3. Bring to a slight boil and add the cornstarch. Boil for about a minute, then reduce heat and let cool slightly. Sauce will thicken as the mixture cools.
    • Prep Time: 5 mins
    • Cook Time: 10 mins
    • Category: Dinner
    • Cuisine: Asian-Inspired

    Keywords: coconut curry, curry recipe, vegan curry, broccoli recipe

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    Dear wise reader, please tell us to get a moped.

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