
    Roasted Vegetable Bowls with Green Tahini

    Roasted Vegetable Bowls with Green Tahini and a side of egg and a spoon in the bowl.

    If I could eat this every day for lunch for ever and ever, I’d be a happy girl.

    It’s just hard to go wrong with roasted vegetables – and I mean the type where they’re salted, oiled, and browned to such delicious perfection that you really actually GENUINELY enjoy eating them straight off the pan. But we don’t stop there. I like to plop a few hunks of avocado on the plate, maybe cut open a soft boiled egg, and waterfall the whole thing in green tahini sauce.

    Veggies on a pan ready for roasting.

    Okay, Full Disclosure Part One:

    I don’t really love tahini. I know this is a weird, non-foodie thing of me to be saying to you right now because tahini is the It girl right now. But I’ve tried it, I’ve kept an open mind, and I just don’t love it. Feel free to leave a comment with your persuasions.

    That being said, I love a good green sauce. As in, magic green sauce. As in, cilantro avocado dressing and cilantro vinaigrette. As in sunshine sauce, which isn’t technically green but yellow is close enough, okay?!

    So I put tahini in a green sauce. Er, made a green sauce with tahini?

    Cilantro, parsley, garlic, olive oil, lemon, salt, tahini. It works.

    And Full Disclosure Part Two:

    Even though our series is 15 Minute Meal Prep, this takes more than 15 minutes. Chopping veggies just takes time. But now I’m going to suggest another very practical and non-foodie tip for you. BUY PRE-CHOPPED VEGGIES.

    In the context of meal prep which results in me eating healthy for an entire week, easy and fast is my winner.

    Roasted Vegetables with green Tahini in glass containers.

    Will you add eggs? Tofu? Chicken? Or enjoy it plain with a squeeze of lemon and your green tahini drizzle? GIRL THE SKY IS THE LIMIT! I LOVE U MEAL PREP!

    Check Out Our Video For How To Make Roasted Vegetable Bowls:


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    Roasted Vegetable Bowls with Green Tahini and a side of egg and a spoon in the bowl.

    Roasted Vegetable Bowls with Green Tahini

    • Author: Lindsay
    • Total Time: 45 minutes
    • Yield: 6+ 1x


    Roasted Vegetable Bowls! Crispy tender roasted veggies, buttery avocado, all together in a bowl with a drizzle of green tahini sauce.



    Roasted Vegetables

    • 8 large carrots, peeled and chopped
    • 3 golden potatoes, chopped
    • 1 head of broccoli, cut into florets
    • 1 head of cauliflower, cut into florets
    • olive oil and salt

    Green Tahini

    • 1/2 cup olive oil (mild tasting)
    • 1/2 cup water
    • 1/4 cup tahini
    • a big bunch of cilantro and/or parsley
    • 1 clove garlic
    • squeeze of half a lemon (about 2 tablespoons)
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt (more to taste – I like 3/4 teaspoon)

    Optional Extras:

    • hard boiled eggs
    • avocados
    • chicken, tofu, any other protein


    1. Prep: Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
    2. Roasted Vegetables: Arrange your vegetables onto a few baking sheets lined with parchment (I keep each vegetable in its own little section). Toss with olive oil and salt. Roast for 25-30 minutes.
    3. Sauce: While the veggies are roasting, blitz up your sauce in the food processor or blender.
    4. Finish: Voila! Portion and save for the week! Serve with avocado or hard boiled eggs or… anything else that would make your lunch life amazing.



    Roasting Time: For similar timing and doneness, I recommend putting broccoli and cauliflower together on one baking sheet, and carrots and potatoes together on another. I like to roast the vegetables for a little longer (more like 30-40 minutes total) to really get them browned. Not necessary, just my preference. The benefit of putting the broccoli and cauliflower together, and potatoes and carrots together, is that you can pull out the broccoli and cauliflower a few minutes early if you feel like it’s getting too browned, and give the carrots and potatoes a bit more time.

    • Prep Time: 15 minutes
    • Cook Time: 30 minutes
    • Category: Lunch
    • Method: Bake
    • Cuisine: Vegetarian

    Keywords: roasted vegetable bowls, green tahini, vegetable bowl recipe

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    One More Thing!

    This recipe is part of our collection of best healthy bowls. Check it out!

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